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Day 9: Cleaning Day

Housework sucks. We all hate doing housework. I know I tend to put it off for as long as possible. You should see how many dishes are in my kitchen right now.

Until I discovered UnFuckYourHabitat.

It's aimed at people just like me, young and somewhat lazy. Maybe lazy is the wrong word- unmotivated is better. They have a list of suggestions of things you should do every day, so you're less rushed in the morning, and you can get out the door and on your way sooner.

Called Unfuck Tomorrow Morning, the list is pretty simple:

Wash the dishes in your sink
Get your outfit for tomorrow together, including accessories
Set up coffee/tea/breakfast
Make your lunch
Put your keys somewhere obvious
Wash your face and brush your teeth
Charge your electronics
Pour a little cleaner in the toilet bowl (if you don’t have pets or children or sleepwalking adults)
Set your alarm
Go to bed at a reasonable hour

I know I definitely struggle with last one, but it's easy enough! Try it for a week, and I'm sure it will improve things, unless you're already well organised, in which case, congratulations! I want to be you!

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