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Day 5 - Eat Out At Home - Burgers!

It's well known that eating at home is healthier, often tastier and much cheaper than eating out all the time. Though sometimes we're craving something- for me, that's a burger!

Bunless burgers are the keto holy grail. There are so many options for toppings.
Linda's Low Carb Recipes has 29 different burger/sandwich options!
My favourite is just minced beef, squashed into a patty and cooked, then topped with fried onions, sliced cheese (yes, the plastic wrapped type), a squirt of yellow mustard and a fried egg on top. Add sliced tomato and some lettuce leaves for a more balanced meal. Super tasty! You can also wrap the burger in lettuce, which is much better than you would expect.

If you like a bread type bun, then Oopsie Rolls are for you. They sound weird, but try them, just once!
Using large portobello mushrooms as buns is popular too, like this, hailed as The Ultimate Gluten Free Burger in the New Zealand media.

I find burgers to be a pretty cheap option for dinner. Minced beef is readily available and cheap here- I pay around $5/kg, and I can easily get 6-8 burgers from a kilogram. That's a whole week of dinners for $5!

All this talk of burgers has made me hungry- I might have to go whip myself up one now...

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