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Day 11 - Clean Your Desk!

If you're reading this from a desk right now, it's probably a mess. I will admit, mine is. I spend a lot of time hanging out on my PC- on IRC, Facebook, emails, blogging, watching movies- you name it, I'm doing it right now.

This means I often get an accumulation of cups and plates- by the end of the day I often have 2 or 3 collected on my desk. Stop reading this right now! Go put them in your sink!

Much better, right? Now your next task is to pick up all the things that don't belong on your desk, and put them where they do belong. I often end up with jewellery I've recently taken off, makeup, a pile of pens and receipts! At the end of every day, I clear my desk off and put all those things away- you should do it now too!

Now, wipe down your desk. If yours is anything like mine, there are crumbs. Grab a cloth from the kitchen and clean them!

If you have a pile of mail, take a couple of minutes to go through and recycle or bin anything that isn't essential. Luckily, we don't get junk mail here, but I know that others have a problem with those mailers being sneaky and hoarding themselves, hiding themselves wherever they can.

Now, pat yourself on the back- your desk is tidier!

If you need a little more help than I have offered, check out the post that inspired me at LivingWellSpendingLess. She's made up an awesome .pdf checklist, in case you need something to show your mother that you're a capable adult.

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